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Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen



Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (Born 1970 in Manila) is a Danish/Philippine international acclaimed performance artist and Associate Professor in Timed based and Performance Art, The Art Academy, University of Bergen (2016-2022)


Lilibeth has done exhibitions and performances internationally. She has been exhibiting and performing at KIASMA Art Museum, Helsinki, Brooklyn Museum, New York, Tate Modern, London, Performa (performance festival), New York, Venice Biennale, Thessaloniki biennale, Busan Biennale, The Drawing Room Manila, Röda Sten, Gothenburg, AROS Art Museum, Aarhus, National Gallery, Singapore, in Copenhagen: SMK/National Gallery Denmark, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen Contemporary

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Stateless Mind #4

Performance Title

Duration: 20 mins

In Gynophobia (= the fear of women), Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen hypnotizes the audience around her into a collective experience to become or stay a feminist.

Stateless Mind #2

Titel: Dragedukke

Varighed: 4 minutter

Kostume: Mich Dulce

Musik: Pete Drungle 

Filmproducer: Sofie Amalie Grandt & Kamera & klip: Malik Brunn 

Vokal, performance, koncept: Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

Dragedukke er fyldt med symboler og referencer på trods af sin umiddelbare og abstrakte form.

Vi befinder os i Grundtvigskirken i København, som en direkte reference til Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872); en vigtig repræsentant for dansk åndsliv. Dragedukke figuren bevæger sig rundt inkognito, som et spøgelse i det minimalistiske, gotiske arkitektur: iført et kostume helt konkret med flere lag og rent symbolsk med referencer til flere forskellige nationale folkedragter i ét. Sangteksten er baseret på “jeg-er ” sunget på forskellige sprog: I-jeg-ako –yo-wataschi-eu, rytmisk til musikken.

Dragedukke er et udtryk for, at føle sig splittet mellem forskellige nationaliteter, et ord der stammer fra midten af 1800 tallet, hvor grænsen mellem Danmark og Tyskland blev rykket.


Dragedukke has an immediate and abstract expression, all though full of symbols and references, as to Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872); an important figure representing Danish ideologies and (National) Identity. The Dragedukke persona moves around incognito and ghost-like in the minimalistic, gothic architecture of Grundtvig Church in Copenhagen. Dragedukke is wearing a hybridized folk costume with several layers as well as references to cultures as Danish, Tagalog, American, Dutch etc. The song and sounds are lyrics based on I-s in different languages: I-jeg-ako –yo-wataschi-eu.

The term Dragedukke origins from mid 1800, when the geographic border between Denmark and Germany changed drastically. It signifies a person, who feels torn between several national identities.

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Stateless Mind #1

I am not from here

Duration 20 min


Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen productions often involve the body, scripted texts, songs, composed music as well as intricate visual elements as costumes used as set design. She gathers, adapts, and universalizes her narratives in both a critical and humorous approach in regards to issues such as identity, culture, religion, gender and social relations.


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